Monday, November 17, 2014

Specialty Dolls – Snoedel Dolls
I make Snoedels for a hospital in North Carolina.  What are Snoedels?  Here’s the explanation from 

The very first Snoedel was created by a Dutch woman inspired by the birth of a friend’s premature infant. The Dutch word “snoedel” means “snuggle”. The body is 100% cotton flannel, the head is stuffed with pure clean and carded sheeps wool; Snoedels can be safely machine washed and dried. After being washed, a Snoedel should be re-infused with the parents’ scent.

Snoedels bring comfort as “Aromatherapy of the very best kind – the scent of a mom”. They are designed specifically to absorb and retain a mother’s (or father’s) scent. Then when held or placed near a newborn or infant the scent is slowly released to comfort the baby, thus improving sleep, aiding in bonding, and soothing a baby’s crying or distress. A parent (preferably the mother) should sleep with the soft Snoedel for a couple of nights prior to giving the Snoedel to the baby. Snoedels can be “infused” this way before the baby is born, especially if a premature birth is anticipated, so that the baby can be given the Snoedel soon after birth when taken from mom and placed in an incubator.




  1. Where can I get the pattern so I can make some for Winnie Palmer. Thanks

    1. I have stumbled across a charity site that had the pattern but when I find my directions I will scan them and post them up here.

  2. Here's a site that has instructions:
